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Quality And Environmental Policy

Delivering services in an ethical manner

ES Safeguards’ Quality and Environmental Policy Statement

ES Safeguards is committed to providing Technical and Safeguards (Environmental and Social) Consultancy Services, and associated Capacity Building to the highest standards, thereby meeting or exceeding client requirements.

ES Safeguards is also committed to continuously improving company performance and client satisfaction.

ES Safeguards, being a sustainable and environmentally conscious company, conducting its business in an ethical and socially responsible manner. Within our operations ES Safeguards aims to promote the concept of sustainable development, pollution prevention and minimizing the environmental impacts of our activities, and those arising from the provision of our services.

ES Safeguards will:

  • Ensure that the company complies with appropriate legislation, regulations and other requirements to which the company subscribes.
  • Identify and evaluate the environmental aspects associated with our business activities in order to control and reduce any environmental impact, including the prevention of pollution.
  • Ensure the responsible use of natural resources and the minimization of waste and energy consumption.
  • Implement the training of employees to ensure that they are environmentally aware and that neither they, the community, nor the environment are exposed to harm as a result of ES Safeguards operations.

To help achieve these goals ES Safeguards has implemented Quality and Environmental Management Systems that meets the requirements of ISO 9001-2015 & ISO 14001-2015 Compliance and improvement is monitored by the regular use of metrics, internal audits and maintained by the timely implementation of preventative and corrective actions. Meeting our quality and environmental standards involves participation by all members of staff.

ES Safeguards is committed to enhancing the abilities of all staff to support the effective operations of the Quality System and the achievement of Quality and Environmental Objectives.

Sunil K. Choukiker (Director)
21 April 2017