The safety and health of our people, clients, and associates, is at the core of the way we do business. It must come first – every time and everywhere. This is driven by our belief in the culture of caring about the well-being of these groups of people.
We committed tothe measures around personal health, travel, face-to-face meetings and our office operations. Such measures remain in place, and we are monitoring local requirements on a continual basis. In addition, we are also receiving enquiries from clients and other stakeholders on a number of topics related to Covid-19 responses such as.
Business continuity: As the duration, scale and impact of the pandemic increases, we are evolving our business continuity plans within the framework of our Emergency and Risk Management Plan. We are engaging with our clients to adapt work programs, ways of work and schedules to help them achieve their business outcomes – within the context of local situations and the wider operating environment. Our experts are finding innovative solutions to respond to client needs that do not require the physical presence of employees in locations unless it is essential.
Return to work: Keeping in view the local government regulations and the advice of local authorities, we have commenced returning to work on a limited basis. We are following our own procedures and requirements of clients in cases where our employees are requested to be at client sites/facilities. We are monitoring the situation in these locations very closely and remain focused on our employee’s health and well-being.